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Badge for HaraldLegner HaraldLegner, Mapper of Altona


The player HaraldLegner holds 3076 badges of 1923 types. HaraldLegner played 1070 full and 2697 half quadrants, totalling in 3767 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 138428 km(2 players), 138428 km(2 players), 138407 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 6 players21074 km, 5 players58568 km, 5 players54938 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3055 days InI4-15, 3046 days carlptr-10, 3033 days Ratte-8
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2668 days, 1406 days, 1359 days, 1359 days, 1353 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.52 Anolis-13, 6.51 Kyrabor-4, 6.45 Gaensebluemchen-1
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 9./155 Played in Countries14./42 Countries Ruled16./360 Number of Buddies16./178 Time per Latest Badge Levels17./324 Most Valued Collection (incl. Duplicates).
 Has badges in 24 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Lithuania Lithuania Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America Czechia Czechia Denmark Denmark Poland Poland The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway France France Slovenia Slovenia Croatia Croatia Belgium Belgium Iceland Iceland Hungary Hungary Chile Chile San Marino San Marino Nirvana Nirvana Isle of Man Isle of Man Monaco Monaco

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of HaraldLegner.

149 Buddies of HaraldLegner

Phii, Goldesel, drii, carlptr, GeHa, Kleiner, BoF-GB, Uschidibb, Megachip, DaanVZ, DasUmmi, Moggus, Kosmokrat, Hunter, MasterFlo, 4N3G4ZPK, T-Rex, Aguti, Ellikatz, Blackcats, Schatzforscher, gasttor, _yak, Krypton1984, olifant, Bomo, kredrimi, Leckmuschel, Barney.vk, thorkel, wuffel, windthings, jellybelly, SzyMarek, jenzanos, shibby_ronson, Bart23, InI4, Wurm, alexs77, Kyrabor, soaquila, Busterania, Uhu712, Anolis, olilo, Ratte, missisStone, Loki, QueenOfNowhere, Bengel, blaues_Wunder, michixlol, Trolske, Spes, Heisenberg, Tanam, JohnFlame, Waws, Kellu73, Gaensebluemchen, asp_fan_cb, Auraren, CrazyChris, werla, nirub, Nananana, AleksUA, Pieper, lucy, NaseBier, Bumblebee, TXL1, Herr_Korn, ItsMe57, Derholzspan, Mannivu, mc1r, TurboNeko, Robbisek, dorima, Knuspakex, Jaxel, Dasm, Nick, VincentVega23, gotchas, color_poisoning, pj007, Rainbow, Ardik, Fabienne, Grinsekatze, Saniafeh, seeflieger, Sympatyk, https, idle, datenhamster, XLV1, flugcojt, erebos, Stina-Stenstump, Alpha_Donkey02, JollyRoger, Felix11, knumitiv, NasenBaer, BrianMoos, Neloras, Be5t, onlineflow, Jerk, Horand, BernhardQba, KlapperKero, 1Test1, Matze, Lila, dessek, derM12, gokp, ibleedhope, Alznap, Stil, troelf, Svenibeu, MegaAnt, loptsky, Snoopy, WalterBlue, Ilexa, ThorsGate, wolfie112, LittleBoo, kaputterfarn, allerding5nein, Islanit, Airwolf, Klugey, xwusel, Daiten, Synus, Buller, Banquienchen, manjartens, Aryrhas, ChrisH, SneakyJohn

64 Regions Ruled or Mapped by HaraldLegner

Hamburg Wandsbek Hamburg-Nord Landkreis Kitzingen Basel-City Bezirk Arlesheim St. Georg La Spezia Eppendorf Winterhude St. Pauli HafenCity Altona Othmarschen Bahrenfeld Eimsbüttel Stellingen Eidelstedt Kreis Pinneberg Pinneberg Neustadt Kreis Nordfriesland Altstadt Harvestehude Rotherbaum Veddel Altona-Altstadt Kreis Steinburg Horst-Herzhorn Sternschanze Steinwerder Lokstedt Ottensen Altona-Nord Kleiner Grasbrook Oberneuland Venezia Venice Lübeck Sankt Lorenz Nord Sierksdorf Hohenfelde Kolding Municipality Central Denmark Region Viken Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality Scheeßel Provincia di Imperia San Marino Abruzzo Teramo Voorst Deventer Ljubljana Lurup Groß Flottbek Amt Mittelholstein Province of Padua Amt Kellinghusen Bled Syddjurs Municipality Akershus Buskerud Monaco