Badge for ItsMe57 ItsMe57

The player ItsMe57 holds 62 badges of 40 types. ItsMe57 played 7 full and 91 half quadrants, totalling in 98 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 4671 km(3 players), 4599 km(2 players), 3038 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 1844 days Rainbow-6, 1458 days TXL1-18, 1372 days michixlol-19
 Oldest weekly badges held: 174 days, 87 days, 67 days, 67 days, 60 days
 Highest rated badges held: 0.61 Felix11-23, 0.40 TXL1-18
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 70./172 Time per Latest Badge Levels70./126 4 Week Actions (1 Week Delay)113./124 Free Capacity114./239 4 Week TAKE Power116./239 4 Weeks DROP Power.
 Has badges in 2 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany The Netherlands The Netherlands

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of ItsMe57.

40 Buddies of ItsMe57

Ilexa, Felix11, HaraldLegner, Bomo, Phii, carlptr, Aguti, werla, Jaxel, Wurm, Moggus, jellybelly, Loki, _yak, T-Rex, wuffel, Kleiner, Hunter, drii, GeHa, Bumblebee, DasUmmi, asp_fan_cb, Mottenmann, Anolis, BoF-GB, lucy, blaues_Wunder, Leckmuschel, Megachip, Tanam, Svenibeu, alexs77, Hugosoft, Goldesel, Kellu73, Uschidibb, Barney.vk, datenhamster, Trolske