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Badge for Hunter Hunter, Mapper of Waldorf


The player Hunter holds 4096 badges of 2678 types. Hunter played 44 full and 6421 half quadrants, totalling in 6465 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 45543 km(3 players), 13663 km(1 players), 13662 km(1 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Oldest user created badges held: 3062 days olifant-7, 3039 days carlptr-4, 3020 days Banquienchen-4
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1420 days, 1018 days, 944 days, 796 days, 769 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.49 Kyrabor-4, 6.22 Barney.vk-1, 6.10 Anolis-3
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 1./172 Time per Latest Badge Levels1./125 4 Week Actions (1 Week Delay)8./123 Free Capacity8./49 Countries Mapped10./47 Leading in Cached Statistics.
 Has badges in 6 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Denmark Denmark The Netherlands The Netherlands France France Belgium Belgium Luxembourg Luxembourg

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Hunter.

122 Buddies of Hunter

Bomo, Knuspakex, Jaxel, Phii, BrianMoos, Wurm, XLV1, Bart23, Trolske, Aguti, _yak, Hugosoft, JohnFlame, wuffel, InI4, Ilexa, DasUmmi, BoF-GB, Heisenberg, olifant, Felix11, T-Rex, Ardik, carlptr, color_poisoning, Uhu712, Moggus, jellybelly, Kosmokrat, Kleiner, HaraldLegner, Barney.vk, Bumblebee, Auraren, Goldesel, MasterFlo, Megachip, Ratte, thorkel, DaanVZ, Rainbow, pj007, jenzanos, JollyRoger, dorima, drii, ThorsGate, GeHa, FotografieStorch, Ellikatz, Dasm, Uschidibb, gasttor, mc1r, AleksUA, Derholzspan, Kyrabor, Spes, asp_fan_cb, Eule, datenhamster, Schatzforscher, Waws, Steff, Plueschi, ibleedhope, Anolis, kredrimi, lucy, shibby_ronson, erebos, TXL1, gotchas, Maciej, Mottenmann, Pampelmops, Banquienchen, Busterania, Kellu73, Goak, Herr_Korn, Blackcats, Gaensebluemchen, blaues_Wunder, Lingonberry, levesund, Airwolf, Grinsekatze, olilo, soaquila, wolfie112, werla, Blackbird5, CrazyChris, TurboNeko, nirub, Krypton1984, Leckmuschel, QueenOfNowhere, ItsMe57, Egga, https, Rosario, Tanam, gr33nthumb1, Team-13-RDR, alexs77, derM12, .sid, skipscene, rabe85, Loki, Nananana, Broodjeprepare, Winehorn, chris, Geist, Snoopy, loptsky, baumpilz, SaintAnge, windthings

58 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Hunter

Gefrees Landkreis Eichstätt Landkreis Kulmbach Upper Palatinate Marktschorgast Denmark Bonn-Beuel Saarland Neunkirchen Kreis Dithmarschen Kreis Nordfriesland Landkreis St. Wendel Sankt Wendel Langenfeld (Rheinland) Königswinter Nohfelden Maastricht Landkreis Regensburg Lüdenscheid Creußen (VGem) Plön Landkreis Neuwied Oberes Glantal Ottweiler Landkreis Cochem-Zell Trebgast (VGem) Luxembourg Canton Esch-sur-Alzette Landkreis Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge Sankt Lorenz Nord Lauenburgische Seen Kiel Probstei Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab Kolding Municipality Varde Forbach-Boulay-Moselle Kolding Beilngries Büsum-Wesselburen Windischeschenbach Landkreis Tirschenreuth Hachenburg Heider Umland Nordsee-Treene Erkrath Haderslev Municipality Canton Redange Landkreis Vulkaneifel Weiden in der Oberpfalz Billund Municipality Vejle Municipality North Denmark Region Harsdorf Ulmen Arensharde Neuwied Waldorf