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Badge for pj007 pj007, Mapper of Aisne


The player pj007 holds 2327 badges of 1139 types. pj007 played 835 full and 3301 half quadrants, totalling in 4136 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 78994 km(4 players), 77941 km(4 players), 77412 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 6 players13404 km, 6 players11199 km, 5 players28950 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3091 days olifant-1, 2877 days dorima-2, 2869 days Ratte-11
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2522 days, 1355 days, 1348 days, 1321 days, 1281 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.17 Heisenberg-55, 5.56 Heisenberg-30, 5.33 Dasm-22
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 14./671 Own Power in Hand27./296 Most Valued Collection (incl. Duplicates)28./837 Different Badges Touched28./413 Quadrants per Player, Total29./245 Most Exclusive Collector (no Duplicates).
 Has badges in 10 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Italy Italy Greece Greece The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway France France Belgium Belgium Portugal Portugal Bulgaria Bulgaria

38 Regions Ruled or Mapped by pj007

Limburg Oirschot Mönchengladbach Roerdalen Hauts-de-France Dunkirk Hasselt Walloon Brabant Peel en Maas Namur Nivelles Wuustwezel Kalmthout Boechout Mechelen Wilrijk Süd Stabroek Aisne Vervins Bonheiden Boortmeerbeek Putte Essen Sint-Katelijne-Waver Temse Ciney Berendrecht-Zandvliet-Lillo Zemst City of Brussels Grobbendonk Berlaar Brussels-Capital Region Arrondissement Brussels-Capital Asten Deurne Geldrop-Mierlo Venlo

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of pj007.

55 Buddies of pj007

Heisenberg, Bart23, Phii, Dasm, FotografieStorch, gotchas, DaanVZ, Moggus, Bomo, Trolske, Jaxel, _yak, MasterFlo, Broodjeprepare, Hunter, Aguti, Wurm, T-Rex, Hugosoft, color_poisoning, skipscene, thorkel, wuffel, Goldesel, Tanyathon, jenzanos, DasUmmi, carlptr, Ardik, Bumblebee, jwufg22, 32traB, killerZoteXXX, Ilexa, drii, Barney.vk, HaraldLegner, DTas, Busterania, yve10, windthings, MTBSvanne, olifant, jellybelly, WalterBlue, baajay1, shibby_ronson, HANSEBANGER, idle, AleksUA, Felix11, werla, DI74, Rainbow, lucy