Badge for Ratte Ratte, Ruler of Monte San Pietrangeli

The player Ratte holds 2582 badges of 1254 types. Ratte played 2453 full and 186 half quadrants, totalling in 2639 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 154886 km(3 players), 152632 km(4 players), 151479 km(5 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 11 players63784 km, 9 players34471 km, 9 players31796 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 3190 days m1m3m5m7m90m2m4m-1, 3181 days InI4-2, 3162 days InI4-5
 Oldest weekly badges held: 3143 days, 3130 days, 3123 days, 3116 days, 3109 days
 Highest rated badges held: 4.95 dorima-42, 4.65 carlptr-10, 4.33 onlineflow-3
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 1./283 Quadrants per Player, Ratio11./548 Badge Travel, Total 13./336 Quadrants per Player, Full15./517 Most Collected Player15./418 Badges in Foreign Hands.
 Has badges in 17 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Greece Greece Switzerland Switzerland Czechia Czechia Denmark Denmark The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway France France Croatia Croatia Seychelles Seychelles Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Serbia Serbia


(a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Ratte.

3 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Ratte

Kirchhausen Monte San Pietrangeli Binswangen

118 Buddies of Ratte

InI4, carlptr, dorima, olifant, XLV1, color_poisoning, Auraren, wuffel, _yak, gasttor, GeHa, Rainbow, AleksUA, DaanVZ, Bomo, mxke, Banquienchen, Kosmokrat, Barney.vk, ThorsGate, Jaxel, Megachip, Ellikatz, Team-13-RDR, Hunter, lucy, Phii, Spes, drii, ibleedhope, jenzanos, Eule, TurboNeko, asp_fan_cb, Dasm, Moggus, Hugosoft, Leckmuschel, onlineflow, Bart23, HaraldLegner, Ilexa, Wurm, kredrimi, derM12, thorkel, Stil, Goldesel, 4N3G4ZPK, Trolske, T-Rex, Blackcats, Aguti, Plueschi, DasUmmi, NasenBaer, Usco, Schatzforscher, Winehorn, QueenOfNowhere, Mottenmann, Lila, Blackbird5, https, Knuspakex, .sid, soaquila, Ardik, ChaseMrJ, Gaensebluemchen, Maciej, erebos, BernhardQba, jellybelly, Stina-Stenstump, mc1r, xwusel, Bumblebee, Kleiner, chris, Uschidibb, blaumersin, Kanellar, Heisenberg, werla, Waws, Geist, KroerperKlaus, gemslein, BoF-GB, DarkZen, Pieper, Fledermaus, Tobii, DI74, olilo, alexs77, Fabienne, 1Test1, emmi, TomTom, Kellu73, MasterFlo, m1m3m5m7m90m2m4m, Loki, MegaAnt, CrazyChris, nirub, michixlol, Carlinous, Herr_Korn, Felix11, brilina, Snoopy, aleccale, Aryrhas, HANSEBANGER, Floyd