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Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen
Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen

Badge for Uschidibb Uschidibb, Mapper of Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen


The player Uschidibb holds 861 badges of 621 types. Uschidibb played 237 full and 1228 half quadrants, totalling in 1465 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 70378 km(4 players), 70170 km(3 players), 69330 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 5 players50348 km, 5 players40377 km, 5 players23136 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2785 days olifant-1, 2557 days idle-1, 2528 days Ardik-1
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1311 days, 1304 days, 1277 days, 1069 days, 1063 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.49 Kyrabor-4, 6.44 Gaensebluemchen-1, 6.18 Kleiner-13
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 27./96 Free Capacity30./150 Most Painted Badges34./171 Weekly Thieves38./302 Busy Voters38./302 Different Types Voted.
 Has badges in 13 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Denmark Denmark Poland Poland The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway France France Croatia Croatia Belgium Belgium Iceland Iceland Hungary Hungary

9 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Uschidibb

Seevetal Amt Friesack Samtgemeinde Tostedt Ratekau Plattenburg Neustadt (Dosse) Samtgemeinde Hanstedt Neu Wulmstorf - Vosshusen Lolland Municipality

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Uschidibb.

98 Buddies of Uschidibb

Kleiner, Goldesel, HaraldLegner, Phii, Megachip, GeHa, drii, BoF-GB, nirub, Ellikatz, olifant, DasUmmi, carlptr, color_poisoning, Aguti, wuffel, XLV1, Leckmuschel, Barney.vk, Rainbow, DaanVZ, T-Rex, BrianMoos, Blackcats, Knuspakex, Nick, thorkel, Moggus, Busterania, soaquila, jellybelly, jenzanos, Jaxel, Pieper, blaues_Wunder, _yak, Derholzspan, werla, Gaensebluemchen, JohnFlame, CrazyChris, Svenibeu, asp_fan_cb, 1Test1, Anolis, InI4, Kyrabor, Loki, doinsk, MegaAnt, Kosmokrat, kredrimi, VincentVega23, mc1r, Bomo, olilo, Wurm, TurboNeko, Ardik, alexs77, ibleedhope, Saniafeh, Sozioma, missisStone, room6675, Steff, SzyMarek, Schatzforscher, 4N3G4ZPK, Tanam, TXL1, Coconut99, QueenOfNowhere, WalterBlue, https, erebos, Bumblebee, Auraren, Ratte, NasenBaer, Spes, Waws, gasttor, xwusel, Jeremail, Uhu712, Snoopy, Krypton1984, Stil, onlineflow, ThorsGate, Lingonberry, Trolske, michixlol, lucy, Alznap, MasterFlo, Bart23