Badge for Gaensebluemchen Gaensebluemchen, Mapper of Golm


The player Gaensebluemchen holds 2142 badges of 1055 types. Gaensebluemchen played 484 full and 2027 half quadrants, totalling in 2511 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 87210 km(3 players), 86298 km(2 players), 86237 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 6 players58240 km, 6 players38468 km, 6 players10901 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2767 days InI4-16, 2670 days InI4-23, 2588 days InI4-24
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1653 days, 1405 days, 1391 days, 1317 days, 1297 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.44 Gaensebluemchen-1, 5.79 Gaensebluemchen-3, 5.52 VincentVega23-2
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 2./130 Creators by Best Badge13./130 Most Exclusive Producer15./269 Most Valued Collection (incl. Duplicates)22./296 Number of Buddies25./481 Badge Travel, Total .
 Has badges in 16 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy United States of America United States of America Australia Australia Czechia Czechia Denmark Denmark Canada Canada Poland Poland France France Iceland Iceland Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary Nirvana Nirvana

19 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Gaensebluemchen

Wustermark Waßmannsdorf Hohen Neuendorf Neustrelitz Prignitz Brieselang Nördliche Ortsteile Satzkorn Golm Falkensee Schönwalde-Glien Selchow Innsbruck Putlitz-Berge Putlitz Telschow-Weitgendorf Amt Meyenburg Gerdshagen Priort

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Gaensebluemchen.

116 Buddies of Gaensebluemchen

Megachip, jellybelly, DasUmmi, drii, Ellikatz, Pieper, Barney.vk, werla, Derholzspan, Loki, MegaAnt, Nick, thorkel, BoF-GB, carlptr, Kosmokrat, jenzanos, Blackcats, wuffel, missisStone, Knuspakex, Kleiner, CrazyChris, olilo, Coconut99, Snoopy, 4N3G4ZPK, Auraren, Moggus, Uhu712, Krypton1984, InI4, AleksUA, Ilexa, 1Test1, DaanVZ, Klugey, mc1r, olifant, XLV1, gasttor, Phii, TXL1, MasterFlo, asp_fan_cb, _yak, SzyMarek, Lingonberry, Schatzforscher, xwusel, marvinpoo, Goldesel, color_poisoning, SteffiNa, HaraldLegner, Bomo, onlineflow, Uschidibb, Dasm, Bart23, IchBinDannMalWei, Svenibeu, Stil, VincentVega23, T-Rex, Leckmuschel, Jaxel, Ratte, Trolske, WalterBlue, Bumblebee, Aguti, Felix11, Busterania, Wurm, lucy, QueenOfNowhere, BernhardQba, alexs77, JohnFlame, derOsi, Stina-Stenstump, Waws, Matze, Ardik, kaputterfarn, Madder, kredrimi, Kellu73, LittleBoo, michixlol, GeHa, Banquienchen, dorima, Herr_Korn, Anolis, Venis, https, Nananana, Mannivu, SteffiRebelo, MicBat, NaseBier, soaquila, Buller, erebos, Rainbow, Spes, Johanni_09, toadie3k, Kyrabor, TurboNeko, idle, vansi, Deltaus, Heisenberg