Badge for Johanni_09 Johanni_09

The player Johanni_09 holds 63 badges of 25 types. Johanni_09 played 2 full and 70 half quadrants, totalling in 72 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 38975 km(2 players), 38766 km(3 players), 37741 km(4 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 4 players37741 km, 4 players27740 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 1302 days mc1r-10, 1158 days Ellikatz-38, 1149 days Ellikatz-8
 Oldest weekly badges held: 732 days, 470 days, 396 days
 Highest rated badges held: 3.47 Ellikatz-23, 3.00 Ellikatz-9, 2.39 Ellikatz-8
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 148./181 4 Week TAKE Power154./224 Most Exclusive Collector (no Duplicates)155./359 Most Foreign Power in Hand161./371 Badges in Foreign Hands162./451 Most Collected Player.
Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
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17 Buddies of Johanni_09

Ellikatz, mc1r, Uhu712, thorkel, Kleiner, drii, Megachip, JohnFlame, Saniafeh, Ilexa, olilo, Krypton1984, Barney.vk, BoF-GB, Gaensebluemchen, linux, MegaAnt