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Badge for missisStone missisStone, Mapper of Lübbenau/Spreewald


The player missisStone holds 720 badges of 341 types. missisStone played 213 full and 1180 half quadrants, totalling in 1393 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 120001 km(3 players), 111648 km(3 players), 98120 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 7 players18561 km, 5 players58161 km, 5 players48915 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2509 days Phii-5, 2508 days SzyMarek-7, 2484 days CrazyChris-4
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2472 days, 2137 days, 2016 days, 2010 days, 2003 days
 Highest rated badges held: 6.52 Saniafeh-10, 5.79 Gaensebluemchen-3, 5.31 Nick-5
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 24./169 Most Painted Badges26./276 Littering37./148 Most Exclusive Producer48./194 Weekly Thieves53./287 Different Weeklies.
 Has badges in 15 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany Spain Spain Austria Austria United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Lithuania Lithuania Switzerland Switzerland Czechia Czechia Poland Poland Indonesia Indonesia France France Portugal Portugal Hungary Hungary Bulgaria Bulgaria Nirvana Nirvana


(a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of missisStone.

17 Regions Ruled or Mapped by missisStone

Basel-City Basel Großenhain Lübbenau (Spreewald) Zerkwitz Beuchow Peitz/Picnjo Stottoff - Štotup Amt Burg (Spreewald) Calau Luckau Vetschau/Spreewald Kleine Elster (Niederlausitz) Grossbasel Groß Kleesow Kittlitz Groß Lübbenau

64 Buddies of missisStone

Megachip, jenzanos, Ellikatz, asp_fan_cb, Moggus, drii, Gaensebluemchen, Matze, Barney.vk, MegaAnt, DasUmmi, Nick, wuffel, Loki, HaraldLegner, Saniafeh, gemslein, VincentVega23, Ilexa, Kosmokrat, Knuspakex, 4N3G4ZPK, thorkel, Uschidibb, Bengel, TurboNeko, SzyMarek, Derholzspan, lucy, Kleiner, olifant, Svenibeu, https, MasterFlo, carlptr, werla, BoF-GB, TXL1, Blackcats, QueenOfNowhere, marvinpoo, Halupasch, Pieper, Spes, kredrimi, michixlol, CrazyChris, Stina-Stenstump, Rainbow, onlineflow, Lingonberry, kaputterfarn, dorima, Alznap, toadie3k, Sympatyk, jellybelly, _yak, Schatzforscher, xwusel, troelf, Phii, InI4, Goldesel