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Badge for Horand Horand, Ruler of SBA


The player Horand holds 291 badges of 89 types. Horand played 28 full and 1544 half quadrants, totalling in 1572 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 158278 km(3 players), 151640 km(2 players), 150631 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 8 players93095 km, 8 players41511 km, 8 players38571 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2830 days Horand-4, 2829 days Horand-5, 2827 days Horand-2
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2946 days, 2893 days, 2872 days, 2866 days, 2859 days
 Highest rated badges held: 1.04 Horand-6, 0.53 Horand-10
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 17./160 Geoguess Badge Creators35./210 Explorers36./341 Own Badges on Map37./371 Leaf Regions Played First41./217 Badges in Countries.
 Has badges in 21 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom Latvia Latvia Italy Italy Greece Greece Finland Finland Turkey Turkey Czechia Czechia Cyprus Cyprus Indonesia Indonesia The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway Norway France France Sweden Sweden Belgium Belgium United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Portugal Portugal Oman Oman Bulgaria Bulgaria Jordan Jordan Isle of Man Isle of Man

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Horand.

34 Buddies of Horand

Moggus, Bomo, drii, Schatzforscher, windthings, Trolske, Kosmokrat, gasttor, thorkel, Bart23, Wurm, 4N3G4ZPK, Barney.vk, InI4, Jaxel, dessek, HaraldLegner, Felix11, Alznap, SzyMarek, idle, Phii, Goldesel, carlptr, Megachip, DI74, Bengel, HANSEBANGER, Lingonberry, DaanVZ, Alpha_Donkey02, ChrisH, Krypton1984, QueenOfNowhere

13 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Horand

Cyprus East Midlands Lincolnshire Lincoln North Kesteven Warwickshire Flintshire Nottinghamshire Newark and Sherwood Akrotiri British Sovereign Base Area Leuven Haacht Begijnendijk