Type 15939 Image

Badge #301171 a shibby_ronson-2

This badge was first seen 2023-05-15, last seen 2024-07-18. It has traveled a distance of 37614.6 km in the hand of 6 players, travel time 10327.7 h, average speed 87.41 km/d. This badge touched 842 regions, is rank 1594 in players/distance ranking, rank 51328 in pure distance ranking.
Privacy Note: Track has been reduced and does not contain all steps. Especially latest history is hidden. Coordinate resolution has also been reduced.
Visited 9 Countries: Germany Germany Austria Austria Switzerland Switzerland Spain Spain Italy Italy Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Greece Greece India India United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Drop Regions: Bochum-Süd Hörde Stadtbezirk 1 Stadtbezirk 2