Meta Most Navigated Statistics, 28 days  (?)
S09-23 1135 10-14 1135
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1.Region of 365d Most Played Quadrant2903190.909
2.Contested Ruler Regions2322850.814
3.Contested Mapper Regions941290.729
4.Own Badges on Map61960.635
5.Mapper Changes Last 365d50680.735
6.Ruler Changes Last 365d45670.672
7.4 Week Actions (1 Week Delay)241270.189
8.4 Weeks Weekly Badge Targets24560.429
9.4 Weeks Most Actions21810.259
10.Total Power in Hand19340.559
11.Badges in Countries13390.333
12.Most Collected Player13290.448
13.FIS Meta-Pointsystem11360.306
14.Badges with Other Players11260.423
15.Number of Buddies11260.423
16.Most Exclusive Collector (no Duplicates)10350.286
17.Own Badges in Regions10350.286
18.Badges in Foreign Hands10260.385
19.World Champion9960.094
20.Quadrants per Player, Total9420.214
21.All Level Rulers9360.250
22.4 Weeks DROP Power8290.276
23.Power in Foreign Hands8210.381
24.Played in Countries8190.421
25.Quadrants per Player, Ratio7570.123
26.Power on Ground (Country)7460.152
27.Badge Travel, Total 7280.250
28.Basic Type Vote Statistics62490.024
29.Free Capacity6480.125
30.Total Badge Production6360.167
31.Different Weeklies6310.194
32.Lonesome Players, Absolute6310.194
33.Most Taken Badge6300.200
34.Foreign Power in Hand6180.333
35.Geoguess Badge Droppers (36h ago)5240.208
36.Badge Travel, Average 5170.294
37.Different Quadrants Played4320.125
39.Different Badges in Hand4270.148
40.Most Valued Collection (incl. Duplicates)4180.222
41.Regions One's Badges Touched4160.250
42.Distinct Quadrants Played3450.067
43.Creators by Best Badge3280.107
44.Player Badge Levels3270.111
45.Lonesome Players, Relative3220.136
46.Busy Voters3210.143
47.Gifts Provided3210.143
48.Quadrants per Player, Full2360.056
49.Time per Latest Badge Levels2340.059
50.Most Liked Badge Type2300.067
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S09-23 1135 10-14 1135
next around 10-15 11:40

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