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Ortschaft Süd

Badge for Yirrin Yirrin, Mapper of Ortschaft Süd


The player Yirrin holds 111 badges of 10 types. Yirrin played 1 full and 53 half quadrants, totalling in 54 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 76242 km(3 players), 67746 km(2 players), 67673 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 4 players43718 km, 4 players43705 km, 4 players43702 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2831 days Yirrin-3, 2829 days Yirrin-1, 2828 days Yirrin-2
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2889 days, 2862 days
 Highest rated badges held: 1.37 Yirrin-1
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 95./557 Badge Travel, Average 131./149 Creators by Best Badge133./149 Most Exclusive Producer138./202 Explorers139./171 Most Painted Badges.

Region Badges Over Time

(A region can have two such Badges, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Yirrin.

14 Buddies of Yirrin

drii, Goldesel, Ellikatz, MasterFlo, Ardik, thorkel, olifant, erebos, Rainbow, mc1r, jenzanos, InI4, Megachip, Kleiner

1 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Yirrin

Ortschaft Süd