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 Rulers and Mappers of

Badge of Salzlandkreis Salzlandkreis

The 12 masters of Salzlandkreis till now: drii, Ellikatz, Ardik, Matze, Loki, mc1r, olilo, thorkel, Barney.vk, kredrimi, Uhu712, Megachip. Yet 26 players have visited this region. Yet 597 distinct quadrants have been played within the region Salzlandkreis.
When? Ruler Crosshair Symbol Mapper Crosshair Symbol
Current Score
2024-06-12 05:00-2024-09-21 02:59olilo
2023-12-14 13:00-2024-09-21 02:59Ellikatz
2023-11-29 05:06-2023-12-14 13:00drii
2023-11-17 17:00-2023-11-29 05:06Ellikatz
2023-07-15 05:00-2023-11-17 17:00drii
2023-04-30 12:00-2023-07-15 05:00thorkel
2023-04-30 00:00-2024-06-12 05:00thorkel
2023-04-20 22:01-2023-04-30 12:00Barney.vk
2023-03-27 00:00-2023-04-20 22:01thorkel
2023-02-03 05:00-2023-03-27 00:00Matze
2023-02-02 17:00-2023-04-30 00:00Matze
2023-01-04 12:03-2023-02-03 05:00Megachip
2022-12-03 09:00-2023-02-02 17:00thorkel
2022-10-22 18:03-2023-01-04 12:03Loki
2022-08-25 07:00-2022-10-22 18:03Megachip
2022-08-21 11:00-2022-08-25 07:00mc1r
2022-07-13 04:00-2022-08-21 11:00Uhu712
2022-05-30 02:00-2022-07-13 04:00thorkel
2021-12-19 02:00-2022-05-30 02:00drii
2021-12-18 14:00-2022-12-03 09:00drii
2021-07-11 03:00-2021-12-19 02:00thorkel
2021-05-28 12:00-2021-12-18 14:00Ellikatz
2021-05-28 01:00-2021-07-11 03:00Ellikatz
2020-09-26 03:00-2021-05-28 12:00kredrimi
2020-09-25 16:00-2021-05-28 01:00kredrimi
2020-02-09 02:00-2020-09-26 03:00Ellikatz
2020-02-08 15:00-2020-09-25 16:00Ellikatz
2019-09-02 02:00-2020-02-09 02:00Ardik
2018-10-11 18:00-2020-02-08 15:00Ardik
Total Time(s)
For more information about rulers or mappers, look at this Page in our Wiki.

Subregions of Salzlandkreis

Until now Salzlandkreis has 84 played regions below it. Following direct parts of Salzlandkreis have been played to date:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of AscherslebenAschersleben Badge of BördelandBördeland Badge of BernburgBernburg Badge of KönnernKönnern Badge of Schönebeck (Elbe)Schönebeck (Elbe) Badge of SeelandSeeland Badge of StaßfurtStaßfurt Badge of Verbandsgemeinde Egelner MuldeVerbandsgemeinde Egelner Mulde Badge of Verbandsgemeinde Saale-WipperVerbandsgemeinde Saale-Wipper   .
Neither Ruled nor Mapped Subregions yet: Barby, Calbe (Saale), Hecklingen, Nienburg (Saale).

Sibling Regions of Salzlandkreis

Played regions on same layer like Salzlandkreis so far:
Ruled or Mapped: Badge of Altmarkkreis SalzwedelAltmarkkreis Salzwedel Badge of BurgenlandkreisBurgenlandkreis Badge of Dessau-RoßlauDessau-Roßlau Badge of Halle (Saale)Halle (Saale) Badge of Landkreis Anhalt-BitterfeldLandkreis Anhalt-Bitterfeld Badge of Landkreis BördeLandkreis Börde Badge of Landkreis HarzLandkreis Harz Badge of Landkreis Jerichower LandLandkreis Jerichower Land Badge of Landkreis Mansfeld-SüdharzLandkreis Mansfeld-Südharz Badge of Landkreis WittenbergLandkreis Wittenberg Badge of MagdeburgMagdeburg Badge of SaalekreisSaalekreis Badge of StendalStendal   .