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Badge for Anolis Anolis, Mapper of Seelze


The player Anolis holds 320 badges of 263 types. Anolis played 98 full and 569 half quadrants, totalling in 667 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 109391 km(3 players), 96520 km(2 players), 94268 km(3 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 6 players11698 km, 5 players76280 km, 5 players11017 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2569 days Ardik-1, 2256 days windthings-2, 2255 days windthings-3
 Oldest weekly badges held: 1883 days, 1822 days, 1749 days, 702 days, 555 days
 Highest rated badges held: 5.88 Jaxel-2, 5.59 Anolis-13, 5.14 Anolis-3
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 2./15 Geoguessers, 100 Days9./129 Creators by Best Badge22./140 Time per Latest Badge Levels23./129 Most Exclusive Producer29./40 Leading in Cached Statistics.
 Has badges in 3 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom Ireland Ireland

11 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Anolis

Seelze Isernhagen Wedemark Barsinghausen Landkreis Schaumburg Stadthagen Wunstorf Herrenhausen Samtgemeinde Nenndorf Garbsen Landkreis Diepholz

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Anolis.

64 Buddies of Anolis

Busterania, MasterFlo, jenzanos, Megachip, Ellikatz, Kleiner, Ilexa, mc1r, thorkel, Moggus, drii, BoF-GB, Barney.vk, HaraldLegner, Ardik, GeHa, jellybelly, carlptr, DasUmmi, Goldesel, _yak, Krypton1984, windthings, Felix11, Phii, DaanVZ, Matze, Uschidibb, Spes, Nananana, Kyrabor, Aguti, Saniafeh, blaues_Wunder, Loki, olifant, wuffel, T-Rex, kredrimi, Leckmuschel, Rainbow, werla, Gaensebluemchen, lucy, gasttor, JohnFlame, soaquila, Geist, loptsky, CrazyChris, Bumblebee, TurboNeko, Knuspakex, nirub, Tanam, SzyMarek, shibby_ronson, michixlol, Lila, Venis, ThorsGate, alexs77, Trolske, XLV1