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Your inventory limited only by duplicate badges, i.e. more than one badge of a certain type.

At the beginning you start with a capacity of 5. Basic capacity of 3 and 2 more spaces for the one VeryFirst in your inventory. One space of course already taken by that VeryFirst.

You can increase the Capacity by collecting different kinds of badges (type+producer+level) and via Extra Capacity Skill Badges. These Badges must stay in your inventory to get effective.

Capacity formula:


This means, every player can hold an unlimited number of badges, regardless of his level! Only duplicate badge types cost capacity.

Note: Badge capacity has been increased by one on the server on 2nd of April 2017.

See also: FAQ, Skill Hints

This is you main and default inventory.

This is your storage vault. It prevents you to accidently drop badges. Put all badges here, which you are not planning to drop in near future.

This filter shown only the non player badges (aka system, skill, ruler, explorer, mapper and so on)

  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • by Frank Nestel