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Painted Badges, Ratings and Beauty

As you have probably realized, you can paint badges. As other things in the game, this is just for fun, just to show the others your liked images and to increase excitement when picking up badges.

But, badge ratings also feed into other parts of the game via delivering diamonds:

  • Once in a month, you can get Diamonds for Beauty.
  • Every player can get 0,1,2 or even 3 diamonds.
  • You can get 1 diamond for being high in the list of best rated badges.
  • You can get 1 diamond for having produced a highly rated set of badges (i.e. overall rating for all the badges you painted).
    • Only badges with positive ratings count. Types count, you do not need to hold the badges.
  • You can get 1 diamond for having collected a highly rated set of badges (i.e. overall rating for all badge types you hold).
    • Only badges with positive ratings count. Types count, no need to have certain badges as duplicate.

So, to gain power in form of skills or badges, still consider to deliver the community some nice images.

  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • by Frank Nestel