====== Badge(r)s App ====== Badge%%(r)%%s, the **location based massive multiplayer online game**, about [[rules:collector|collecting]] [[rules:badges|badges]], [[rules:quadrants]] and [[rules:regions]]. === For the start, do the simple: === * Look at the map, whenever you see a [[rules:badges|badge]] you did not drop, [[rules:badges#take]] it. * Look into your [[rules:inventory|inventory]] and [[rules:badges#drop]] those badges you have duplicates of. === Thats all? The major areas covered in this wiki are: === * [[rules:start|Rules]] including [[rules:faq]] * [[strategy:start|Strategy]] * [[ui:start|User Interface]] * [[geoguess|Geoguess]] Of course this is ongoing, so check back for updates from time to time. === Questions/Suggestions? === * [[https://discord.gg/kQzCmgB|Our Discord Community]] * [[https://trello.com/b/uNKGdTkw/badgers-collect-badges-worldwide|Trello Board]] * [[https://hangouts.google.com/group/T8sGzOLnStcGLf712|Hangout Group]] === Latest in this Wiki: === {{changes>type = create,edit}} Have fun and do not miss our [[http://www.badge-r-s.de|Website]]. For those who care: [[why|why Badgers]].