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Badge for Felix11 Felix11, Mapper of Haiger


The player Felix11 holds 297 badges of 169 types. Felix11 played 35 full and 948 half quadrants, totalling in 983 quadrants.
 Longest traveled badges: 92595 km(2 players), 92533 km(2 players), 92174 km(2 players) (ids only revealed for badges carried by more than 3 players.)
 Handed over badges (> 3 players): 7 players4929 km, 7 players4415 km, 6 players68720 km
 Oldest user created badges held: 2523 days InI4-27, 2425 days DaanVZ-5, 2358 days InI4-2
 Oldest weekly badges held: 2318 days, 1875 days, 1868 days, 1862 days, 1828 days
 Highest rated badges held: 5.89 Jaxel-2, 3.89 gasttor-31, 3.71 FotografieStorch-9
 Best Ranks in Statistics: 37./129 Played in Countries48./177 4 Weeks DROP Power50./246 Littering53./177 4 Week TAKE Power54./299 Number of Buddies.
 Has badges in 11 countries (does not need to have been in all of these):
Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Switzerland Switzerland United States of America United States of America Turkey Turkey France France Belgium Belgium Iceland Iceland Hungary Hungary Nirvana Nirvana

2 Regions Ruled or Mapped by Felix11

Wuppertal Haiger

Badges (a region can have two, mapper and ruler):
Find the region history of Felix11.

91 Buddies of Felix11

Ilexa, Bomo, Jaxel, Wurm, jenzanos, drii, Phii, MasterFlo, Megachip, jellybelly, Ellikatz, Kosmokrat, Bumblebee, BoF-GB, color_poisoning, Aguti, _yak, DasUmmi, Loki, FotografieStorch, gasttor, shibby_ronson, Trolske, T-Rex, Heisenberg, carlptr, mc1r, thorkel, wuffel, InI4, Busterania, erebos, werla, Ardik, Barney.vk, AleksUA, DaanVZ, Anolis, Pieper, Mottenmann, Kleiner, Nick, Schatzforscher, Gaensebluemchen, kredrimi, Eule, 4N3G4ZPK, Blackcats, Goldesel, olilo, Dasm, NaseBier, Hugosoft, Hunter, MegaAnt, lucy, Moggus, Horand, HaraldLegner, xwusel, Kellu73, Saniafeh, olifant, Leckmuschel, GeHa, Derholzspan, Auraren, Kyrabor, Rainbow, Waws, Ratte, Snoopy, pj007, BernhardQba, ibleedhope, Bengel, DI74, alexs77, XLV1, Wickie, dorima, asp_fan_cb, CrazyChris, gotchas, Mannivu, michixlol, QueenOfNowhere, blaues_Wunder, MicBat, Uhu712, Klugey